The Warriors and Mavericks apparently just set a record for most combined three-pointers in a game with 46. The Warriors had 18 and the Mavs had 24. D’Angelo Russell contributed the most three-pointers with nine of them (and don’t worry too much about the apparently “serious” injury he suffers in this video; he returned to the game) while our guy Tim Hardaway Jr. contributed the second-most with six. In that sense, he’s part of history, since he played a semi-important role in an NBA game of historic import.
The Mavericks had previously gotten 22 three-pointers in a game on three separate occasions. Two were in the calendar year 2019 (THJ made one and four three-pointers in those two games) while one was in late 2017 (THJ was inactive for the Knicks at the time, he probably chucked his arms off LOL [lots of laughs]). But Hardaway’s previous contributions to record-setting games for the Mavericks franchise pale in comparison to his contributions to this game which sets a new NBA record.
When THJ is an old man, he’ll be able to gather all his grandkids around him, pull out the dusty holobook which contains every box-score ever in NBA history, execute a holoquery on the holobook to bring up the box-score of this game, and show it to the little ones while creakily explaining how “nobody knew at this point that Doncic would be the GOAT” and “back then, players didn’t shoot 80% from three like they do now, so it was a big deal”. Then his grandkids are gonna tell him that everybody who played before the year 2050 was held back by the limitations of human flesh and that the augmented players of the current time are way more exciting.