Mike Breen, listen man, I know it sucks having to commentate for the Warriors on ESPN while they’re mired in their worst season in a long time and playing lineups of players that nobody has ever heard of, but could you at least throw in a “BANG!” when Alen Smailagic hits a three to give him seven points in the second quarter? It’s not quite the same as Stephen Curry pulling up from 40 to give him 40, but considering the relative quality of each player, I’d consider it roughly equivalent.
I’ll give credit to Breen, he tried really hard to sound excited for Smailagic. He wanted to make the national TV audience (such as it was, this game probably got beat out in ratings easily by re-reuns of horrible sitcoms) recognize the magnitude of what they were seeing (which was seeing an untested rookie scoring a career-high 10 points against the best team in the league), and maybe he succeeded. There are now a few more people than before who know the name Smailagic.
10 points is kind of low for inclusion on my channel, I know. But this isn’t just pandering to Serbs, as you might think. I don’t pander anymore. What this is is making sure that I have a Smailagic video in my Archivium in case something happens and he never scores this many again. Not a likely occurrence, but you never know. Sometimes these Euros, seeing that they’re going to be struggling on the ends of benches for a long time at the start of the career, take the preferable route of going back to Europe to dominate.