We as NBA fans need to band together to start a petition aimed at the NBA, the goal of which will be to allow players to wear those ninja bandana things instead of normal headbands.
(Get it? “Band” together? LOL!!! [lots of laughs])
Damion Lee popularized the style last year, and the look of the tied-back headband combined with his dreadlocks was just really rad. He still looks pretty cool, but the regular headband simply doesn’t complete his look in the same way that the ninja headband did.
The rumor is that the NBA disallowed the ninja headbands because Nike was upset that they weren’t Nike-branded. Um, there’s an obvious solution here: just slap the swoosh on them and give them to the NBA players to wear. Boom. Easy. I have a hard time believing that nobody in either of those two gigantic multinational organizations ever came up with that idea.
If I knew how to start a petition (a real one, not one of those fake internet ones) I would totally start it. Contained in the text of the petition would be a humorous, yet also serious, assertion that the acronym NBA stands for “Ninja Bandanas Abolished”. Such an assertion would certainly attract thousands if not millions of signatures, and then, when the vast quantity of signatures is presented to Adam Silver himself, he would have no choice but to allow players like Damion Lee full control over the gear they wear on their bodies.