Danuel House 21 Points Full Highlights (1/27/2020)

Danuel House has been, as the kids say, “cheeks” for the past month or so. “Cheeks” is most likely a reference to the human buttocks, but I couldn’t say for sure. Anyway, no matter which negative adjective you use to describe House’s recent play, it’s probably going to be accurate. Because House isn’t even shooting 40% from the field in the month of January. A guy who isn’t being asked to do very much on offense (just waiting for Harden to pass it to him for a three or a dunk) should probably be shooting better than that.

House sort of returned to form in this game, but he also was forced to play 45 out of 48 possible minutes, so he would have put up some stats whether or not he was actually shooting the ball well. His final statline of 21/11/2/5/0 was adequately stuffed, but five turnovers is too many for somebody who isn’t even a part-time ball-handler.

This video description kind of took a pessimistic turn, so I want to counteract that by noting that both of House’s dunks were of the supremely sick and awesomely aesthetic variety. Every day I pray to God that House accumulates enough dunks for a dunkilation, but he’s sitting at just 14 dunks for the season, so I don’t think he’s going to make it. That’s not gonna stop me from spending all my free time praying about it, though.

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