I thought this might be a textbook REVENGE GAME for Justin Holiday against his former team, the Raptors, but then it turned out that Holiday has never played for the Raptors. He’s played for a bunch of other teams, but never the Raptors. So, what, he just played well for the fun of it? Because he wanted to win? Are you telling me there was no REVENGE component to his performance at all?
The trade deadline hasn’t passed yet. The Pacers should trade Justin Holiday to the Raptors and then have the Raptors immediately trade him back. I read the rule book of trades cover to cover and there’s no rule that says you can’t do this. Or, if there is such a rule, it’s written in such incomprehensible legalese that I didn’t realize what I was looking at. Anyway, by doing this trade and immediately undoing it, this game retroactively becomes a REVENGE GAME. Holiday’s revenge against the Raptors is for them trading for him and then deciding they don’t want him and trading him back.
You might try to argue that time only flows forwards, and, therefore, Holiday can’t get REVENGE for heinous acts which were perpetrated against him in the future. And I would argue in response, why don’t you try opening your mind a little bit? The only evidence you have for the omnidirectionality of time is your own subjective experiences viewed through the lens of your unconscious biases. Have you ever thought that maybe time flows differently for different people, hmmm? Have you ever bothered to think from another persons’ perspective? Your closed-mindedness sickens me. This was TOTALLY a REVENGE GAME.