Joe Harris had FIVE layups in this game. FIVE. I am seriously considering putting that stat in the title of this video so that the whole world knows about it (EDIT: I did it, who cares, you can’t stop me). Putting him on blast, as the kid’s say. Man, that’s so many layups for him. It’s gotta be a career high. I can’t tell if the emotion I’m feeling is admiration or disdain. Probably a mix of both.
Harris needs to learn, and he really should’ve learned this a long time ago, but he needs to learn that making layups is not the path to success for him. He’s a former three-point contest champion! He led the league in three-point percentage last season! His value, clearly, lies in his ability to stretch the floor. Sure, he can go in there and make some layups (never dunks, though), but is that helping his team win? Two points, but at what cost? Every time he ventures inside the arc is a missed opportunity for three points.
Things would be so much better if he looked at what Duncan Robinson was doing in Miami (basically, just shooting threes and nothing else) and started doing that instead of whatever crap he’s doing now. Robinson knows his role, and it’s propelling him to one of the greatest three-point shooting seasons ever (yeah, I went there). Does Harris know his role? It doesn’t seem like it.
I don’t even know if I’m being sarcastic right now. I know it’s hard to tell for my readers a lot of the time, as I switch between sarcasm and earnestness quickly and without a change in tone, but now even I can’t tell. This is what Harris has done to me with his stupid LAMEups.