Caleb Martin 23 Points Full Highlights (3/9/2020)

I’m struggling to keep the Martins straight right now. Which one is supposed to be the “good” one and which one is supposed to be the “defensive specialist” one? I thought that Caleb Martin was the “defensive specialist” one but he’s the guy who scored 23 points tonight. Meanwhile, “good” Cody Martin only scored 11. Either we’ve entered some kind of bizarro reversed dimension where good players are bad and bad players are good, or I’ve had the twins’ identities wrong this entire time. Now that I think about it, Rozier (“bad player”) scored forty, so maybe we are in that bizarro dimension after all.

God, I am so confused right now. I don’t even know what’s real. All these overtimes have left me dazed and dizzy. Whose idea was the concept “overtime”, anyway? Somebody get over here and cram some Pop-Tarts into my mouth to revive me. I’m too weak and compromised to do it myself, and my kitty Japurri is ignoring my plight by sleeping when I’m very obviously struggling right now. But if they’re the strawberry-flavor Pop-Tarts, just miss me with that garbage. Straight up miss me with that. I’ll spit it back out in your face and make you eat that disgusting crap.

Now that Caleb Martin is both the “good” twin and the “defensive specialist” twin (as far as I can discern), has he decisively moved ahead in the Battle of Martins that’s taking place on Charlotte’s bench right now? You should know by now that when I ask a rhetorical question, the answer is always “yes”. So, yes, Caleb Martin has assumed the mantle of both twins with this game.

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