Lonnie Walker 25 Points Full Highlights (1/10/2021)


I need somebody who watched this game to tell me why Lonnie Walker, who dropped 22 points in the first half while looking utterly unstoppable, only ended up with 25 game. And I need this information urgently. I need it urgently so that I can include the explanation for Walker’s uneventful second half in this video description and then everybody will realize that I’m a genius and maybe ESPN will hire me since I will have demonstrated ability to analyze real basketball games and not just spout garbage for four paragraphs.

As far as I see it, there are many things we can blame for Walker’s three second-half points (which came at the nine minute mark of the third quarter, meaning he didn’t score for the last twenty minutes of game time). I just don’t know which one to blame, or if it’s a combination of things:

-LaMarcus Aldridge. He probably got upset that he wasn’t being treated like the #1 option so he froze Walker out of the offense
-DeMar DeRozan. He didn’t play in this game, but he could have used his insidious “fake superstar” powers to affect Walker’s play from the bench either through mind control or the physical alteration of molecules
-Gregg Popovich. Can’t get used to the idea of a young player being the #1 option and had to put a stop to it before his head exploded
-Timberwolves defense. This is a joke entry in the list. Haha, I’m funny
-Lonnie Walker himself. We can’t rule out that a young player like Walker might have gotten in his own head and thus caused his own poor performance

Again, I didn’t watch this game, so I’m relying on those more educated than me to fill us in. And once you fill us in, I’ll rewrite this entire description to make it look like I’m the one who has all the answers and everybody will be in awe of how a single highlight maker can be so knowledgeable about all things.

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