The more I think about it, the more it makes sense for me to completely tear down my playstyle in pickup basketball and model it after Bryn Forbes. After all, Forbes and I share many meaningful characteristics:
-Inability to dunk
-Inability to jump
-Inability to grab rebounds
-Inability to provide playmaking or ball-handling in any meaningful capacity
-Inability to defend
-Average to below average height relative to other players on the court
-Ability to shoot
The only thing I’ve got on him is that I have a decent wingspan for my height. Forbes has T-Rex arms. Then again, that advantage is nullified by the fact that my legs cramp if I even think about jumping for a rebound. Forbes, as far as I know, has no such cramping issues. Maybe he crams bananas before games.
If I could just be an absolute knockdown shooter, both standstill or on the move, and while effortlessly shooting over taller defenders, I would immediately become king of pickup. My jumpshot is good, in fact, it’s better than nearly every random park player I come up against, but it’s not “knockdown”. I need to up my game, and Bryn Forbes is the perfect inspiration for me to do that. Look at that list of shortcomings I wrote out for him. He’s been in the NBA for a half decade DESPITE all those shortcomings. The Bucks, who are a quasi-contender, went out and acquired him despite those shortcomings. That’s how much his shooting is valued.
If Forbes were to release a series of instructional videos on YouTube, I would watch the hell out of them. I would also subscribe to a theoretical “Bryn Forbes Jumpshooting Method” instructional DVD series. For now, I’ll just watch and rewatch this video while fantasizing about living in a place where snow doesn’t cover all the outdoor courts.