Kyle Guy 17 Points Full Highlights (3/25/2021)

After Kyle Guy played in just three games in his rookie season, for a total of four points in ten minutes, I assumed that he wasn’t going to be in the league after that. I mean, Kings legend Duje Dukan played more minutes than that in his rookie season, and Dukan sucked. There’s a reason they called him Duje Dookie, and it’s because he played liked he was a pile of donkey dookie. He was out of the league right away. Not so with this Kyle Guy guy. Guy apparently showed something in practices or whatever, because he’s still on the Kings’ roster this season, and not only that, but he sometimes appears in games.

A huge shoutout is needed to the Golden State Warriors, who folded so easily in the second half of this game that Guy received a career-best 22 minutes of on-court action and turned the opportunity into his first double-digit scoring game in the NBA. If the Warriors had played better this game, this video wouldn’t even exist. But they rose to the occasion (or I guess lowered themselves to the occasion), and all of us in the NBA highlightsphere are the beneficiaries. This video would not have been possible were it not for their heroic effort to get blown out by the Kings, who aren’t even a good team, even when Kyle Guy is firing on all cylinders.

The quest is not over. There are still players on the Kings roster who are waiting for their first taste of DTB highlightage. I am paying very close attention to both Robert Woodard and Jahmi’us Ramsey (I had to look up where the apostrophe goes), and when either of them randomly gets minutes in a blowout and start putting up buckets, I’ll be ready to act quickly. But not very quickly, because I’m semi-retired and I don’t treat highlights with any sense of urgency anymore. Maybe a Jahmi’us Ramsey video will hype me up so much that I’ll unretire. This Kyle Guy video didn’t do it, but you never know with these young unproven guys. I am still very susceptible to elevated BHL (Blood Hype Level).

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