Austin Rivers 21 Points Full Highlights (5/27/2021)

“Dear Diary,

Today before the game Coach Malone said we have to be locked in and play hard. When he said locked in I got really scared that he would lock me in a closet since sometimes that’s what Daddy would do to me when I was being a bad boy. I tried really hard not to cry since nobody else was crying and I didn’t want to be the crybaby. Then my friend JaVale started pointing at different teammates and said the things that they needed to do to help us win. When he got to me he said Austin we need you to be confident and play your game because we all know you can step up. That made me feel really good and I didn’t want to cry anymore. JaVale is so much fun, especially after he smokes the marriwana cigarettes. When he does that he always buys lots of snacks for us and sometimes Taco Bell.

In the game I didn’t score many points at first, but then in the fourth quarter I scored sixteen points all by myself. Everybody was so happy for me but I remembered what Coach Malone said about staying focused so I pretended to not be happy, instead I was real serious and just made frowny faces the entire time and I even said a few swear words after making shots (I know you won’t tell anybody Mr. Diary). I scored more points than everybody on the team except Nikola. Nikola is hard to understand sometimes because he’s from Europe, but he has a lot of books about horses and sometimes we sit on the bus and he shows me the pictures and tells me about the horses he has at home. Daddy doesn’t let me have any pets since I got a guinea pig when I was little and then it died because I forgot to give it food for two weeks.

There’s another European on the team, his name is Fuckando and he’s from a place called Argentina. I think that’s part of France. Fuckando knows a lot about basketball and I always listen to him when he talks. It’s too bad he’s so short. Sometimes I think why did God make short people good at basketball if the tall people just use their tallness to be better than them. That’s really mean. When I do mean things people yell at me, but when God does mean things nobody says anything. I think that’s really unfair.

That’s all for now, Mr. Diary. Thanks for always being my friend.


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