Last time Elfrid Payton scored a career high, 26 points about a month ago with 14 dimes, I warned people not to try and watch the whole video, because it was simply too much Elfrid Payton highlights. I’m a trained and experienced highlight-watcher, and I couldn’t even manage it. I hated to imagine what would happen if a novice tried to watch the full 3:30 duration of that video.
Most of you heeded my words. Thanks (or no thanks) to YouTube analytics, I was able to see that only one person watched the whole thing. That person has not watched another DTB vid since. I hate to jump to conclusions, but in this case the conclusion is obvious: they died. Died because of Elfrid Payton highlights.
Let their sacrifice stand as the final warning: DO NOT try to watch this nearly four-minute long compendium of Elfrid Payton dominating the Jazz all in one sitting. You will surely perish in the attempt. Watch at most one minute per day, and be sure to take plenty of water breaks. There is simply way too much Payton here to be handled by one person. Watching the video with a group of friends will not protect you.
I have given you enough warning. I am not liable for your actions.