Channing Frye 18 Points Full Highlights (1/19/2017)

It’s kind of fitting that, right as Channing Frye’s reign as the dude who looks most like Obama in the NBA comes to an end (hello Malcolm Brogdon), Obama’s reign as the dude who looks most like an NBA player in the White House comes to an end as well. Poignant, even. Truly the end of an era. An era of NBA players and presidents looking like each other. We lived in blessed times, friend. You only realize once it’s gone how lucky we were that we could easily make visual comparisons between the leader of the free world and showmen trained in the art of ball-manipulation.

Oh well. Frye will lose one of his most noteworthy aspects, but he’s in the process of making up for it by actually contributing winning basketball to a winning basketball team. He seemed kind of done when he was in Orlando, but he’s proven me wrong by using LeBron’s insane gravity to shoot and make tons of open threes. You could also switch that around and say LeBron is using Frye’s insane gravity to drive to the paint at will, and then that would really confuse things. Which is the truth?

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