No one cares about Darren Collison. You might think you do, since you’re watching this video, but you don’t. Because no one does. I know this because I once made a “Darren Collison 53 Points Full Highlights” vid, it only got 652 views, and I have it on good authority that the majority of those views were Russian spambots. Look it up if you don’t believe me.
Change of subject: I am fully aware that this isn’t really Collison’s “Pacers Debut”. I wasn’t born yesterday. I know what teams he’s played for (Pacers) and what teams he hasn’t (Bucks[yet]). The truth is, I wanted to see if I could reach 200 views for this sucker, and I thought the best way to do it was to con Pacers fans into thinking they had never seen this guy before. My bad, or not.