I haven’t made a Taurean Prince video since early November. That’s like three whole months where there where Prince had no games which I deemed highlight-worthy. He was injured for a good chunk of that time, so he gets a pass there, but he’s been back from the injury for over a month and it’s taking him a while to get back into form.
Apparently he had a 21-point game on February 4th that was measurably better than this one. He shot a higher percentage from the field and made more field goals. For some reason I ignored this game. Maybe I didn’t have time or maybe I (mistakenly) thought that he had to score more than 21 points to get a video. Whatever the reason was at the time, it’s been forgotten now, so all I can do is offer my sincere apology to all four of you ardent Taurean Prince fans out there.
I also sincerely apologize for not really making any progress on my sprawling sci-fi/fantasy epic “Taurean Prince”. I was going to bankroll it by selling Taurean Prince plushies that my mom made, but the bankroll wasn’t the only problem. My thousands of pages of notes (lore, backstories, maps, languages, magic grimoires [multiple]) just proved too difficult to form into a cohesive storyline. They would make a hell of an appendix though. Maybe the book should just be one big appendix with no story at all.