Cameron Reynolds 12 Points Full Highlights (3/12/2019)

Cameron Reynolds has, by my count, only a few days left on his second 10-day contract with the Timberwolves. He was certainly aware of that fact (if I was an NBAer on a 10-day, I’d be counting down the days carefully and when they got down to one I’d burst into the GM’s office and have a full-on sobbing tantrum until they felt bad and gave me a real contract), because he came out against the Nuggets and played like he wanted a deal for the rest of the season. Although, it would be a major red flag if a 10-day player didn’t spend every minute on the court doing everything they could do get noticed. So maybe Reynolds was just playing like normal, and just ended up with more playing time and stats because of the shorthandedness of the Timberwolves and the eventual blowout this game became.

Anyway, yeah, 12 points is a lot. That’s a lot for a lot of marginal players (on full contracts) in the league, and it’s even more of a lot for someone like Reynolds who is faced with the imminent threat of going back to the G-League forever. This game represents a full half of his total point output in the NBA, and a significant percentage of his other stats as well.

I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t know anything about this guy. My tubby little kitty, Japurri Purrker, will be the second to admit that I don’t know anything about this guy. He says, and I quote, “mew mew mew. mew mew. merp mew.”, which translates to “I’ve been a big fan of Cameron Reynolds since his days at Tulane, but my owner, DownToBuck, remains wilfully ignorant of college basketball and doesn’t know anything about him or any of the other great college players who haven’t quite made it to the NBA yet”. In my defense, there are a lot of NBA players who are actually in the NBA right now who I have to care about before I can even start to think about dudes like Reynolds.

Well, I’m thinking about him now, and my thoughts are positive. 12 points on national TV, if this is the last we see of him, at least he made his minor imprint on the NBA landscape.

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