There must be something wrong with Kris Dunn’s marketability or personality or flashiness or something, because I regularly forget that he’s a strong candidate for “PG OF THE FUTURE” for the Bulls. When I think of “PG’s on the Bulls”, I think of Ryan Arcidiacono and Shaq Harrison. For some reason, I don’t usually think of Dunn, even though he’s very clearly better than those two dudes (or at least has more potential). That’s either a failure on his end or a failure on my end, and since we all know that I never have any kind of failure in my basketball knowledge, that means it’s actually Dunn’s fault.
If Dunn wants to stick more permanently in my mind, he needs to have more games like these. I am easily swayed by gaudy statlines, and a 26-point, 13-assist statline is definitely gaudy enough to start my synapses to jolt each other with electrical signals. He needs to have fewer games where gets five points and three assists in 25 minutes. Every game he fails to accumulate stats that I would expect a young, up-and-coming point guard to accumulate, the more he recedes into the furthest-back, nigh irretrievable archives of my mind.
And if he REALLY wants to get my attention, he could punch Arcidiacono, put Garpax on blast to the media, crash a motorcycle causing career-threatening injury to himself, and inform the city of Chicago that Chicago-style thin crust pizza is way better than Chicago-style deep dish. That last thing would endear him to me, and the other things would be too crazy to ever forget. Think about it, Kris.