I will give Kevin Knox credit: he definitely fits the physical profile of an NBA player. He’s in that Aaron Gordon mold of player where he’s tall-ish but doesn’t need or want to play like a big man. And Aaron Gordon is a good NBA player. Good enough to be kicked off my channel, anyway (sorry you had to find out this way). That bodes well for Knox. Unless you’re Joe Ingles, you have to meet a certain threshhold of physical ability to succeed in the NBA.
That said, Kevin Knox rarely plays like a good NBA player. He only looks like he would play like a good NBA player. Games such as this one, where he scores a lot of points in an efficient manner, are few and far between. His shot chart has so much red on it that it looks like a crime scene. His shooting percentages are discouraging, especially his percentage from deep midrange, which is around 25%. No team that wants to win games would play him more than spot minutes at this point. We can’t call him a Busteroni and Cheese yet, but we can put him on Busteroni and Cheese Watch.
Luckily, the Knicks have no desire to win games, so he can chuck up bad midrange jumpers and out-of-control layups as much as he want with no chance of retribution from his coach. Retribution from the internet at large is a different story, but the internet isn’t the one that gets to decide how many minutes he gets. Crowdsourcing NBA rotations should totally be a thing for taking teams, but it isn’t. Maybe when I file the incorporation papers for my new basketball league, I can make crowdsourced personnel decisions one of the core tenets. Watch out Adam Silver. The DTBBL is coming after your market share.