After Tyler “Tour de Dorse” Dorsey recorded a 29/9 statline in the last game he played, anything else he could do was simply going to be underwhelming. And guess what? I am underwhelmed right now. At most, I am moderately whelmed. Dorsey does some nice things in this video, but he just did all of the same nice things in the previous video I made for him, and he did them in higher quantity.
I suppose the main difference between his career-high last game and his not-even-his-second-career-high this game is that the Grizzlies actually won this game. Not only that, but Dorsey’s missed free throws in the waning minutes of this one had no effect on the outcome. Contrast that to the previous game, where Dorsey’s missed free throws had obviously deleterious effects on his team’s winning chances.
Despite the underwhelming nature of this highlight video, I do have to say that Tyler Dorsey absolutely has the “Best Dorsey in the NBA” title on lock right now. Even if Joey Dorsey were to come back from Europe/South America/The Philippines/Australia/His Couch at this exact moment to average 6/8 with some team, I think Tyler Dorsey would still be better. Are there any upcoming NBA prospects with the last name Dorsey? If not, Tyler’s going to have this on lock for a long, long time.