Today represent a new glorious beginning for DTB’s highlight-making procedure, and this Trae Young highlight video is the first product of that glorious rebirth. Nothing will ever be the same. An unparalleled era of productivity, ushered in by a grand re-imagining of my processes.
Enough bloviation. Basically, I have like fifteen different windows open on my screen in order to make highlight videos. Box-score, video, video editor, image editor, explorer windows, music player, text editor, and a bunch of other stuff. My visual workspace is cramped, to say the least. But now I have fully leveraged my second monitor to spread out my windows and turn the highlight-making process from a tedious clickfest trying to find the right window into a seamless, happy journey, with the end result being a pristine highlight video. Everything is visible at all times. I feel like a hacker, but I’m hacking people’s emotions with highlight videos instead of hacking multinational companies’ internal networks.
I’m supposed to be computer savvy but I wasn’t really trying to do this before. I actually don’t know if it’s making me more efficient because it’s so different from how I’ve done things for the past seven years. If it’s actually making me slower, I’m giving up on the whole “being organized” thing and just letting my process slip back into barely-controlled chaos. Speaking of barely-controlled chaos, can we talk about Trae Young’s hair for a bit? Har har. Har.