Quinn Cook 17 Points Full Highlights (11/5/2019)

Somes dudes have all the luck. Quinn Cook gets to play two seasons with Stephen Curry, then immediately goes south a little bit and gets to play with LeBron James? I can think of tons of players who, through no particular fault of their own, spend their entire careers never getting to play with anyone that good. I hope Cook realizes how good he has it. His first year in the league the best player he played with was only Anthony Davis, so he does have a taste of not getting to share the court with a GOAT candidate, but tastes disappear from memory quickly.

Which sucks for me because one time I had the BEST burger ever (seriously this burger was so frickin’ good you don’t even know) and for years and years I could bring the taste to mind. But now I can’t anymore, or I think I can but there’s doubt that it’s really the same or just my mind trying to fill in a gap. Same with that one flavor of potato chips that they subtly changed 15 years ago and whenever I eat them they’re still good but I KNOW they’re not as good as they used to be and I’ll never have the original flavor of them EVER again. Why can’t things just stay the same forever? Change is horrible and should never be tolerated by anyone.

Cook hasn’t been very good so far for the Lakers, which is kinda to be expected. He’s more of a ball-y type player, that is, his skills are maximized when he gets to do things his own way with the ball. But on the Lakers, obviously that’s not going to happen because of Jabroni Lames. So many good players have had their stats go way down playing with him, what hope does Cook have?

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