There are two options here:
Option numero one: The Rockets’ medical staff doesn’t know that bandaids come in skin tones other than “really white but not as white as Mason Plumlee”.
Option numero two: The Rockets’ medical staff is too cheap to buy bandaids that match the skin tones of their players.
Bonus option numero three: I can’t stop looking at that god-damn bandaid.
The NBA is a professional sports league, and the Rockets are a professional sports team. So I find this lack of professionalism shocking. These images of Ben McLemore’s ill-bandaided face will be transmitted worldwide. The whole world will see that the NBA is behind in adopting modern bandaid technology, either through ignorance or malice, and their reputation will accordingly suffer. If I’m in China, and I’m seeing a bandaid on McLemore’s face that doesn’t even match the color of his skin, well first off I’m getting arrested and put in a secret prison for watching the Rockets, but second off I’m thinking about how my domestic basketball league at least has a proper bandaid budget.