I’m pretty sure Naz Reid thought that this was a G-League game (with a suspiciously big crowd), because the 16 shots he attempted tonight is an amount more in line with what he’s been doing with the Iowa Wolves than anything he should be doing in the real-life NBA.
This may sound contradictory or hypocritical, but I do find it nice for a player like him to just come in and start taking tons of shots like he’s not worried about getting sent back down. Lots of G-Leaguers who barely play in the NBA, they’re SCARED. They want to prove so much that they can play in a team concept that they fail to be aggressive scoring the ball. Reid, he doesn’t apparently believe much in the team concept. He believes that he IS the team.
If you’re on the fence about watching this video (you really shouldn’t be, honestly, I’m starting to doubt your commitment to the scrub cause), here’s a factoid for you: prior to this game, Reid had played 4 NBA minutes, taking two shots and making one. In this game, he played 19 minutes and took 16 shots, making 5.
And if you’re STILL on the fence, here’s another tidbit: his real name is “Nazreon”, which is a totally awesome name that he should feel no shame about using. “Nazreon”. Sounds like the name of a metal band with extremely questionable political leanings, true, but also sounds like the name of a trendy fusion restaurant that I would look at the menu of online and be appalled at the prices.