The dust has mostly settled after yet another chaotic trade deadline, one that featured some Wojnukes, a bunch of Wojbombs, and some Shamsretractions. Now that things are clearing up, I can say with about 80 percent confidence that Tyus Jones didn’t get traded. Even though you’d think the Timberwolves would want him back after they basically gutted their entire team to start from scratch.
I say 80 percent because there’s still a decent chance that the overworked dude at the NBA league office who has to process all the trades will find a stray fax printout in a few days that says that Jones got traded to the Bulls for Ryan Arcidiacono.
In the meantime, I can sit here and try to remember what my opinion of Jones was while he was with the Timberwolves. It’s been so long since I had to think about him (other than to regret not making a vid of his 15/7 ‘Zlies debut) that I must have replaced my opinions of him with opinions of more relevant role-players. Do you want to know what I think about Damian Jones instead? Same last name, totally different player.
The only emotion that comes to me when I think about Jones is a sense of angry unfairness that Jones is still in the league but Rashad Vaughn isn’t. How is that fair? It’s not. Vaughn can still be good. No one can convince me otherwise.