Before you watch this video, I am requiring you pass a small quiz in order to determine your worthiness. This is to bar bandwagon fans from being able to watch it and derive enjoyment from it (enjoyment, as a rule, is off-limits to bandwagoners). Post your answers in the comments. If you get them all correct, I’ll send you a link to the REAL video (the one uploaded here is a FAKE video so don’t even try to watch it, just don’t even try).
QUICK QUIZ QUESTION 1: In what manner did Mychal Mulder score his fifteen points?
a.) two three-pointers, three two-pointers, three free throws
b.) three three-pointers
c.) seven two-pointers, one free throw
d.) fifteen free throws
QUICK QUIZ QUESTION 2: What does the “Y” in Mychal’s Mulder’s name stand for?
a.) Nothing
b.) “Yes”
c.) “YOLO”
d.) “Yogurt”
e.) “YMCA”
QUICK QUIZ QUESTION 3: How badly did Mychal Mulder turn the entire Nuggets team into his bitch?
a.) Not badly at all; Nuggets players have already forgotten who Mychal Mulder is
b.) Minimally; Nuggets players are feeling a bit uncomfortable and are being more curt with each other than is usual
c.) Somewhat; Certain Nuggets players are feeling very bitchmade right now. Others, not so much
d.) Extensively; Nuggets players are walking around feeling like Mychal Mulder “owns” them
e.) Severely; Not only the entire Nuggets organization but the entire city of Denver got turned into bitchsauce by Mychal Mulder’s barrage of three-pointers
QUICK QUIZ QUESTION 4: What is the material that Mychal Mulder’s balls are made of?
a.) Papier mache
b.) Steel
c.) Brass
d.) Titanium
e.) Testes
Remember, post your answers below so everybody can see your shame when you picked the wrong ones!