Let me know if this situation seems familiar: NBA player (Danny Green) plays well (over 40% from three) and is rewarded (10 million per) for his efforts by his team (San Antonio Spurs), but then promptly begins to suck (33% from three) because he got paid (fiat currency is a Ponzi scheme) and doesn’t need to try anymore.
Does that situation seem familiar to anyone else, or is it just me? There might even be a term for it… something about contracts maybe? Contract… something. Whatever. It doesn’t matter who else in the past may have done the same thing, or what the term for that thing is, all that matters is that Danny Green got a big bucks deal, and failed to live up to it (maybe you could call it a “big sucks deal”!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA).
Actually, I don’t even blame Danny for this one. It’s not his fault that the Spurs moved away from the ball-swinging corner-three pass-happy offense and moved towards a system that prioritizes the skills of Kawhi Leonard and LaMarcus Aldridge.