DTB’s Best NBA Dunks of the Playoffs (2016-17 Playoff Dunkilation)

“Where’s Nick anyway?” Jake asked the assembled group of friends who were sitting in the bleachers, waiting for the pep rally to start. “It’s like he doesn’t even want to see the cheerleaders bounce around and do flips. That’s like the best part.” Jake lecherously eyed the perkily hopping cheer members, who were attempting to…

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DTB’s Best NBA Dunks of the Month (April 2017 Dunkilation)

It was past midnight, and the park was quiet. Nick stood in front of the basketball hoop with a ball in his hands, but didn’t move. This was the first test. Had his months of hard work and strict adherence to the workout plan paid off? He would soon find out, and the thought made…

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DTB’s Best NBA Dunks of the Month (March 2017 Dunkilation)

“Oh my god Jenny! There’s no way you think Nick’s cute!” “I didn’t say that,” Jennifer replied to her chatty, sometimes-annoying friend Amanda. “I just thought it was nice that he offered to help me with my math homework.” “He’s such a nerd,” Amanda said dismissively, looking over at the lunch table where Nick and…

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DTB’s Best NBA Dunks of the Month (February 2017 Dunkilation)

The first BoingAlert workout was quite possibly the least enjoyable half-hour of Nick’s life. After he had finally muscled his bed and desk out of immediate range of his television, Nick had gone right to the first exercise of the DVD without any special preparation and without even changing out of his everyday jeans and…

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DTB’s Best NBA Dunks of the Month (January 2017 Dunkilation)

“You guys totally though I wouldn’t go through with it, but I did it,” Nick announced proudly, setting his tray down with more emphasis than needed and taking his seat at the lunch table with his friends. “No way you asked Jennifer out,” said Dan, shaking his head in disbelief as he glanced over to…

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DTB’s Best NBA Dunks of the Month (December 2016 Dunkilation)

Nick walked into his house and immediately headed up the stairs to his bedroom, where he flung his backpack carelessly on the floor. There was homework in there waiting to be completed, but Nick had a getting-home-from-school routine that could not be bypassed. A routine which involved logging on to his computer and settling down…

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DTB’s Best NBA Dunks of the Month (October/November 2016 Dunkilation)

“There she goes again. Jennifer,” the pimply, overweight high school sophomore said in a dreamy voice as the object of his unconfessed adoration walked by with her group of friends. “Man, Nick, you got it bad,” said the boy’s friend, whose name was Dan. “Every time she walks by, you forget to keep chewing and…

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DTB’s Top 100 Dunks of the 2015-16 NBA Season (2015-16 Season Dunkilation)

Compiling an end-of-season dunk highlight package presents its own unique set of challenges, the foremost of which is incompetent video editors putting a DeMarcus Cousins dunk (that looked like a poster but really wasn’t) at #14 on the list. The replay indicates that Taj Gibson simply got out of the way rather then receive an…

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DTB’s Best NBA Dunks of the Playoffs (2015-16 Playoff Dunkilation)

A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE DUNK CHAPTER VI: WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS We have investigated the slam dunk from its humble origins predating even the Big Bang to its present-day status as one of sports’ most exciting feats. Every iota of knowledge on the subject of dunking has been presented. There truly is no more…

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DTB’s Best NBA Dunks of the Month (April 2016 Dunkilation)

A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE DUNK INTERLUDE I: SOME DUNKS, RANKED In our written history of the slam dunk, we have now arrived at the modern era of dunking. It would be rather pointless to expound in detail upon this era, as every possible reader will already have a thorough understanding of it. The explosion…

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