Luis Scola 15 Points Full Highlights (3/1/2015)

“A two-pronged attack at Queen Charlotte Bay and the Byron Sound…that should be enough to retake the west island,” Luis Scola mumbled, standing above a table-sized map of the Falkland Islands. He pushed little figurines to an fro. “West Point would be ours in a day, the perfect base for the rest of our operation…”…

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Luis Scola 18 Points Full Highlights (12/16/2013)

Logging into his new, anonymous Wikipedia account, Luis glanced over his shoulders furtively. The librarians would certainly disapprove of his using the public computers for political purposes. But there were wrongs that needed to be righted, and Luis would be the one to right them. He navigated to Wikipedia’s entry on the Falkland Islands. The…

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Luis Scola 17 Points Full Highlights (11/22/2013)

“Hey Luis, I was wondering if we could talk about something.” “Sure, Roy, what is it?” “Well, I was reading about this on the internet, and I knew I needed your opinion on it. What do you think about the situation surrounding the… Falkland Islands?” Luis froze. “What did you say?” “I was just wondering…

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