Cartier “C-Mart” Martin has been in the league for five years. Does that blow your mind? It sure blows mine. His utility is pretty much as a garbage-time three-point shooter. But after last night’s game, he will be notorious around the NBA as a malicious breaker of ankles. Not because he pulled off some sick crossover, but because he’s the one who wrapped up Stephen Curry and caused Curry to tweak his ankle and come out of the game. It looked bad. They had to fly a helicopter into the arena and airlift him to Germany so he could get some kind of crazy treatment, but still, I don’t think he’ll ever walk again. There was so much blood. So much blood.
Hide yo kids. Hide yo wife. Hide yo husband. ‘Cause C-Marts breakin’ everybody’s ankles out here! And hitting six three-pointers!