Henry Sims 22 Points Full Highlights (4/9/2014)

From the ashes of the dumpster fire that is the 76ers season, a phoenix is reborn. It stretches its majestic fire-clad wings. It knows it only has a short span of life before it resolves into ash once again, so it takes flight.

Yes, Henry Sims has been pretty good recently. Almost 16 points a game over his last 10. A surprising emergence considering he couldn’t get any minutes last year or at the start of this year. It’s hard to tell if he’s actually good or just a product of being not as bad as his teammates, but he has displayed some nice offense moves and the ability to play decent defense.

The reality is, though, that a lot of players who look decent on really bad teams end up not panning out when they have to contribute to wins. Hence the extremely strained phoenix metaphor. Or is it a simile? Where’s my 7th grade English teacher when I need her?

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