When will Ed Davis get 30 minutes per game? Will it ever happen? He’s shown himself to be extremely effective in 20 MPG or less, but a quick look at his gamelog indicates that he can also be a beast when playing a bigger role in the game. His problem is that he isn’t a huge threat to shoot jumpers, but his efficiency and rebounding should make up for that, right?
I have started a Twitter campaign to fight against this gross injustice: #FreeEdDavis. If you tweet that same hashtag, and enough other people do it, then front offices around the NBA will realize that Ed Davis is worth more than the small role he’s been getting on various teams. I mean, a guy who could average 12/12 is useful in this league.
In conjunction with the #FreeEdDavis campaign, I also have a #ShutUpCarlosBoozer campaign going on concurrently. The goal of that one is to stop Carlos Boozer from yelling or screaming any time anything happens, or even when nothing is happening. I don’t even necessarily want Davis to take Boozer’s starting spot. I just want Boozer to shut up.