Am I the only one who kind of wants to see what Dion Waiters could do with his own team again? I know I’m not. Waiters is one of the most reviled players in the league, but there are definitely a whole bunch of people who secretly want to see him be a beast. Remember those sweet scoring games he had back with the Cavs? There’s no way that he’s WORSE now, so why don’t we get him on the Suns and see what he can do?
All he needs is playing time and guaranteed touches. That’s all. I bet he could score 17 a game, NEXT YEAR, if he was on some team with no aspirations of being good. Sure, there are a lot of NBA players who fit that description, but this is Dion Waiters, the 4th overall pick. That’s a high enough draft slot to justify him getting force-fed minutes.
Don’t lie to me. I know you want to see him get buckets.