Glenn Robinson 40 Points Full Highlights (4/11/1997)

Ah, the offseason. The offseason… so tranquil. What more could an over-worked highlight maker want than months of repose? Ah, yes. The perfect antidote for a weary man. So peaceful. So relaxing. So… GOD-DAMN LONG. JESUS. What am I supposed to be doing right now? Sitting on my ass and watching my view-counts asymptotically increase?…

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Welcome to is the official website of prolific NBA highlight creator, well-known YouTube celebrity, and Hot Pocket enthusiast DownToBuck. If you somehow arrived here without being aware of DownToBuck’s YouTube channel, now you have the link. If you click on it, your web browser will send your hurtling through the world wide weberverse at terrifying speeds…

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