I am half convinced (and growing more convinced by the second) that this game between the Hawks and Rockets was scripted. It was too perfect. Rockets take a convincing lead, and then a role-player (who happens to be the son of a well-respected multiple-time All Star) scores 23 points in the fourth quarter. He caps off his stellar performance with a poster dunk which stuns the Rockets so badly that they can’t even inbound the ball properly.
Not to mention the “missed” Ariza three-pointer, the resultant “confusion”, and the breakaway dunk by DeAndre Bembry (who isn’t even a real NBA player which makes me very suspicious) to seal the game. If wrestling is scripted, why not the NBA? The primary goal of both operations is entertainment under the guise of honest sport.
“No motive!” you exclaim. “Why would the NBA promote Tim Hardaway Jr. over known stars James Harden and Clint Capela?”, well I’ll tell you why: they’re tired of blowouts during their marquee games, and the only way they could arrange this game to not be a blowout was to have Hardaway score a career-high 33 points. Duh. Use your brain for once.
This may sound like I’m diminishing Tim Hardaway Jr.’s career-high performance, by saying that the league made it happen. And when you put it that way, yeah, I guess I am. Now, he still had to score the buckets. Adam Silver didn’t make his buckets go in for him. But the framework for his performance was carefully crafted by the league office. There is no doubt. Open your eyes to the beautiful glow of the truth.