Ty Lawson seems to be playing slightly better of late, especially if you ignore the games where he scores in the single digits. In my mind, there are two possible yet conflicting reasons why he’s recently been looking a little bit better on the court:
Option A: Lawson has given up alcohol entirely, has thrown off the shackles of alcoholism, and is enjoying life as a sober man
Option B: Lawson has spiraled deeper into alcohol dependence, and is black-out drunk by the time he steps onto the court. He can play loosely and freely because he won’t remember anything bad or good that happens during the game.
Those are the only two options, frankly. Either Boogie and Matt Barnes staged an intervention where they locked Lawson in a meat locker for three days to detoxify him while Lawson cries, screams, and curses, or Lawson is drinking 24/7, has no desire to continue living, and will be dead by age 35.