We have already seen the peak of Yogi Ferrell’s NBA career: 32 points, 9 threes, 1 kajillion hearts won. There is nowhere to go but down for him. Those who climb the highest mountains must either come down or die at the top… wow, that was pretty profound. Damn. Did I come up with that? I think I did. That one’s going in my “profound statements” Word document for later use.
Anyway, we’re seeing Yogi’s decline already. His assists stayed the same at 5, but his points decreased by 17. That’s not a good trend. Using advanced theoretical maths, we can confidently state that he will score -2 points next game. His 5 assists in that contest will prevent him from being totally detrimental to his team, but even that will be short-lived, as he will score -19 the game after that. You can see where this is heading. That 2-year deal he signed is just going to look worse and worse as he massively harms his team each second he is on the court, points evaporating into nothingness as soon as his sneakers touch hardwood.
It was a good run, Yogi, but all good things must come to an end.