Ricky Rubio 13 Points/14 Assists Full Highlights (2/24/2017)

The hardest thing about making Ricky Rubio is not the unreasonable amount of assists he accumulates, although, if we’re being honest, all these assists are pretty annoying. No, the REAL hardest thing about making these videos actually has nothing to do with the videos themselves. It has to do with the thumbnail images. More specifically, Ricky Rubio is so attractive that there are always at least ten or fifteen hi-res closeups of his face that I have to choose between.

Ignore the fact that I purposefully picked the two least-attractive face closeups I could for this video. That’s just me instinctively reacting to having to look at Rubio’s attractive face way too often. I had a bunch of shots of him looking really sultry (in a come-hither way) and staring almost directly at the camera. I can’t decide if he was better-looking with the larger amount of stubble he was sporting before the All-Star break, but, for my own sanity, I’ve concluded that it’s not my place to quantify his attractiveness.

Has anybody else noticed how deliciously brown Rubio’s eyes are? Because I definitely have. Just saying.

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