Now is the time for Ben McLemore to start doing some stuff. The Kings are feeling a lack of stuff-doers after they traded their leading stuff-doer, DeMarcus Cousins, who did a lot of stuff for them. McLemore has been not as good as hoped this year, but maybe we can hope that it was just a lack of opportunity that was preventing him from stuff-doing, rather than his lack of stuff-doing being the reason for his meager minute allotment.
Sacramento had a bit of a reality check after winning decisively against Denver in the first game of their post-Boogie epoch. The Hornets aren’t that good, but they whipped the Kings, who are still trying to figure out who gets to do what. What are they supposed to do with all the free ball-touches now? It’s tough. Maybe for a few games they should forcefeed Benny Mac and see if he can get 40? It wouldn’t lead to wins, but it would lead to fun, which I think is the most important thing.