Tyler Johnson 20 Points Full Highlights (12/23/2017)

I have, off-and-on for the past few years, considered renaming my channel to simply be “I Hate Tyler Johnson”. Not because I actually hate Tyler Johnson; I don’t. But the unofficial threshhold for him qualifying for a highlight video is an even twenty points, and he’ll often score eighteen or nineteen instead. Thus, it would seem like I hate Tyler Johnson on a personal level and desire to snub him from my channel, but in reality, I simply expect more from Johnson than a scoring total in the upper teens.

Johnson thankfully reached the twenty-point mark last night and accounted for all but five points of the Heat’s scoring in the third quarter. Now I get to make a highlight video for him and correct any misguided notion that I hold some kind of personal grudge against him. However, when he returns to his usual 10-19 scoring displays, I will again consider a name change for my channel. I bet you could make a pretty good logo out of the words “I Hate Tyler Johnson”. You could even incorporate Johnson’s cro-magnon face into it somehow. And on the bottom of the O’s you could put an outline of his scraggly neckbeard.

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