Enes Kanter, to borrow the term used by the Jazz commentators so many year ago, absolutely bogarted the Philadelphia 76ers. Bogarted them to hell and back. The old god Tengri cares not for heathen Christendom’s puny “Christmas” celebration, and grants power only to his most esteemed warriors!
The Knicks still lost, because they’re the Knicks and these sort of things still happen to them from time to time. 31 and 22 from one of their role-players should be enough for the win, but sometimes it isn’t when certain other players don’t step up (I basically just called out Lance Thomas right there).
What I really wanted to do for this description was something involving a certain leader of a certain country that Kanter may or may not be from and may or may not disapprove of watching this game from his palace and getting progressively more pissed. But I know better, and I’m not going to write anything of the sort. I don’t want to get put on some list so they can send some goons to snuff me out. I like living. I may joke a lot of the time that I don’t, but I really do. It’s great. If I got assassinated, I wouldn’t get to see a Bucks championship unless they did the deed sometime after this June.