The Nuggets scorekeepers really like giving Nikola Jokic some iffy assists, don’t they? He’s averaging almost 6 assists per game at home, but only 4.5 on the road. The culprit is all those handoffs he does with Murray/Harris/Barton. Some of them are legit, but some of them really aren’t. Like the last clip of this vid. In how many arenas is that an assist? It is in Denver, and it is in Boston, who are probably even worse about this (they probably would have found a way to give him a triple-double in this one). Maybe a few others, depending on how generous they’re feeling and if they’re subtly influenced by Jokic’s reputation as a passer.
Not angry or anything. Just pointing out something I’ve noticed over these two-and-a-half seasons of making vids for this dude. Does it matter? No, except in the sense that the only reason that basketball is played is to accumulate more stats for statheads to consume and analyze. What, you think there are other reasons for the NBA to exist? Heh. I’d like to hear them, kid, but I’ve got more important things to think about.