Channing Frye 20 Points Full Highlights (1/30/2018)

Okay. So Kevin Love is out for the next six to eight weeks with a broken hand (something that nobody in the locker room can accuse him of faking). This is the perfect time to test a hypothesis which I have hypothesized for some time now: Channing Frye can give you everything Kevin Love does, and actually makes the team better because he doesn’t take away possessions from LeBron.

It’s true that the Fryeman does not rebound as much as Love does. It’s also true that the Fryeman is worse at shooting threes. But the Fryeman can slot into the Kevin Love role and be effective even at the advanced age of 34.

There’s also the factor that Frye looks a hell of a lot like ex-president Barack Obama. I’m sure that Obama commands a lot of respect in the Cavs’ locker room, something that Kevin Love apparently didn’t. So it follows that the Cavs would greatly respect a man who is almost visually identical to the 44th United States president. He can reverse the free-fall that the Cavs are experiencing right now with his veteran-ness and his Obama-ness. Could Kevin Love do that? I think not.

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