Zach Collins 15 Points/4 Assists/3 Dunks Full Highlights (3/30/2018)

I am currently writing this description from the safety and comfort of a completely dark closet. I took my wireless keyboard and mouse with me, but no monitors, because there can be no light in here. Not while I am so distraught. Not while I am so vulnerable. Reality seems like a very bleak place right now, and there is no way for me to confront it while keeping my sanity intact, so I have made myself into a recluse and fully embraced the lifestyle of a hermit.

The downside is that I have no idea if I’m making any typos right now, and it’s unlikely that I’ll be able to create an entire highlight video simply by typing and clicking randomly on a screen which I cannot see. But these are the sacrifices that must be made.

The reason for my isolation from society is quite simple: when I see highlights of plays shot from cameras on the opposing side of the arena, I am left bewildered and frightened. The direction of play is a very clear, concrete concept. However, when it is flipped, and replays show the same play happening in a different direction, that is something my mind cannot reconcile. I was, without warning, subjected to two different replays of this nature while compiling this Zach Collins highlight video. It baffles me how cameras are even allowed to be on the other side of the court, much less operated by trained camera operators, but the damage has been done and there is no undoing it.

I trust that my kitty Japurri will slip Pop-Tarts underneath the closet door so that I can feed myself. Otherwise, Death will by next and only visitor, and, given the state of replays in nationally-televised games, he might even be a welcome one.

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