Grayson Allen Career High 23 Points Full Highlights (4/5/2019)

Attention all people who thought that Grayson Allen’s fourteen-point game two days ago was a fluke: you were WRONG and DUMB. Never mind the fact that I was right there with you, holding that same opinion on the flukey nature of Allen’s scoring performance. I’m not the WRONG and DUMB one here. You were WRONG and DUMB for thinking that there was no way Allen could play well two games in a row.

I’ve lost track of the Jazz’s injury situation at this point, other than they’ve filled up an entire wing of Salt Lake City General Hospital with corpses of varying states of limb-completeness. All I can state with surety is that Grayson Allen is benefitting from the dire injury situation. Minutes that weren’t available before are now available. Shots that other players would take are now shots that he gets to take. And he’s showing that he’s not necessarily a bad option to get those minutes and take those shots. In fact, after this game, I would say that he DESERVES those minutes and those shots, even if everybody was healthy.

Am I over-reacting here? Maybe a bit. But that’s only because I want to pander to Grayson Allen fans who will certainly be watching this video in droves. Rabid masses of humanity will flock to any footage they can get of this guy (who definitely looks like he could a real-life Utahn Mormon), so it’s in my best interest to hype him up and fan the flames of rabidity.

Would I be going too far if I said that Grayson Allen could be the Jazz’s second option in the playoffs behind Donovan Mitchell? Would that be too blatantly pandering to his fans? Is that even a wrong opinion to hold? After watching this video, it doesn’t seem so crazy even though it sounds crazy when said aloud.

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