Nemanja Bjelica 19 Points Full Highlights (1/7/2020)

Merry Christmas Nemanja Bjelica! For some reason I thought that Eastern Orthodox peeps celebrated that on Monday the 6th, but no, it’s definitely Tuesday the 7th, as the commentators so kindly informed me. I’m dumb. Forgive me. Another thing I’m ignorant of: what sort of crazy rituals they do in Serbia to celebrate. I presume some religious stuff goes on, and maybe some stuff borrowed from the traditional American celebrations, but then what? Alcohol? I bet there is alcohol involved. It’s Serbia, after all.

Bjelica celebrated Christmas in his own way, it looks like, by totally dominating the Suns in the fourth quarter, helping the Kings complete a 21-point comeback to win easily. I think I might have heard him yell “Srecan Bozic fuckers!” after his last three, but that could be wishful thinking. Perhaps he didn’t yell anything at all and let his actions do the talking. That would be more in line with how I interpret his general temperament on the court.

Sadly, Bogdan Bogdanovic was not on the court to join in the celebration. Supposedly he’s “injured”, but we all know what’s really going on: he’s about to get traded to the Lakers, setting in motion the formation of the SSS (Serbian Superteam in Sacramento). But not in Sacramento, because the powers that be have decided that that’s not a big enough market for the amount of Serbian Superstardom that will be present on this team. Expect Bjelica to follow during the offseason, along with Nikola Jokic arriving in a sign-and-trade with Anthony Davis.

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