Congrats to Damion Lee for smashing his previous career high in assists (which was 6), but man, these assists are LAME. The Phoenix scorekeepers must be so used to artificially inflating Ricky Rubio’s assist totals that they subconsciously do it for players on the opposing team as well. Assists used to mean something. They still do mean something in Europe, so I’ve been told. But in the modern NBA, the only thing assists tell you is that the guy who gets them doesn’t always chuck the ball at the rim as soon as he gets it.
Congrats to Damion Lee for not always chucking the ball at the rim as soon as he gets it, I guess.
I’m pretty sure Lee has actually improved as a playmaker this year; I don’t remember him throwing nice passes (of which he had one or two tonight, mixed in with all the cruddy dimes) either with the Hawks or in his first year with the Warriors. So I shouldn’t be too hard on him. He’s turned into a legit shooting guard, defying all expectations (undrafted players who make their debut at age 25 don’t usually end up doing much), and I’m sitting here criticizing his assists for not being fancy enough for my liking.
I guess that makes me a hater. That’s fine. I don’t do enough hating these days, too busy am I trying to pander to literally everyone I can reach in the hopes that they’ll give me money.