The quandary I faced while trying to determine whether or not I should make this highlight video perfectly demonstrates why I need to implement some kind of system where I use basic box-score stats modified by a predefined “scrub index” to generate a “video suitability score”.
I literally spent an hour mulling this one over. Does Aaron Holiday scoring seventeen points deserve a highlight video, or does Aaron Holiday scoring seventeen points not deserve a highlight video? I kept going back and forth. “He’s a mega scrub,” one part of my brain would say. “But he’s demonstrated legit scoring ability” replied another part of my brain. The forgotten third part of my brain, which only ever makes me do stupid things, strengthened its case for a lobotomy by commenting, “He’s better than Markelle Fultz and you wouldn’t even hesitate to make a video of that scrubnugget scoring seventeen”.
While all this was going on I was just lying on my back staring at the ceiling. My competing inner monologues can be entertaining at times but this was just boring. Nobody cares about Aaron Holiday so it doesn’t really matter whether or not I upload a video for him or not. The only reason it matters is because I have this obsession with getting things right. If I fail to upload a video that I should have uploaded, it gnaws at my conscience. Nobody else knows these feels.