I can just hear the imagined utterances of the haters now:
“DownToBuck didn’t make a Rudy Gay nineteen point highlight video because DownToBuck hates the Spurs.”
“Rudy Gay scoring nineteen points is eminently worthy of a highlight video and anybody who thinks otherwise is being an ignoramus.”
“My life revolves around consuming media featuring the San Antonio Spurs because I am insecure in my own identity, so those who fail to provide that media to my exacting, unreasonable specifications is the target of my ire now and forever.”
“DTB why u hate gay????”
Silence yourself, haters. Your haterisms are displeasing to my ears. I failed to make a video for Rudy Gay’s previous game, yes, it is true, but the choice was logical at the time, for I have been blessed by the divine gift of AUGURY and I KNEW FOR 100% FACT that Gay would soon exceed that puny nineteen-point total in the very next game.
And guess what? He did. And I’m even making a highlight video for it so all you stupid haters can go be hateful and stupid somewhere else. Somewhere far away from my divine presence.