OFFICIAL DTB APOLOGY: I hereby apologize for that one Doug McDermott highlight video I made a long time ago where I looped an audio clip of Bulls commentator Stacey King rasping “Doug McBuckets” over and over throughout the whole thing. It seemed funny at the time (and actually it still is sorta funny) but it was distracting and kind of ruined the experience. I’ve never done anything like that before or since, for good reason.
I don’t even know if I reuploaded that one to the Archivium. I hope not. It’s a blemish on the nigh-unsullied visage of DownToBuck.
In more recent news, hey, how about Doug McDermott this game! 23 points is, like, a top-10 scoring game in his career, as wild as that may seem. I feel like a guy who was one of the best college scorers (ever??????), a guy who averaged 27 a game in his senior season, who has been in the league as long as he has, should have a larger amount of nice scoring games, but this is McDermott we’re talking about. He’s transitioned into a complimentary role, and I don’t think he can take over games even if he wanted to.
Except that tonight, he scored his 23 points in only 20 minutes. That’s taking over the game if I’ve ever seen it. He played his minutes, got his buckets, and the Pacers cruised to victory. He didn’t even need to play more than he did. It’s like how Giannis only plays 10 minutes a game but averages 37/17/9; sometimes you’re so good that you hurt your own stats by being so good.
Also, is anyone else getting Mike Miller vibes from his hair/headband/skin tone/three-point shooting combo? I’m pretty sure that the Bubb barbershop is open, so his hair is definitely a stylistic choice at this point, and I’m digging it. Because Mike Miller was the most awesome member of the Heatles by far.