Donte DiVincenzo Career High 24 Points/9 Assists Full Highlights (2/25/2021)

After this game, I feel confident in stating that if Donte DiVincenzo decided to launch a nationwide line of pasta sauces right at this very second, he would see substantial success. Are you telling me that you could go to the pasta sauce aisle of your local supermarket and turn down a 24oz jar of DiVincenzo’s Classico Marinara with Herbs, or the mega 64oz jar of DiVincenzo’s Italiano Garlic Alfredo, after knowing what DiVincenzo is capable of on the basketball court? Your shopping cart would be loaded up with jars of that stuff and you would be powerless to stop it. You’re drooling just thinking about it.

I don’t know much about the pasta sauce game, but I do know that Americans love to buy premade pasta sauce because it takes all the effort out of making delicious homemade Italian classics right in your kitchen. If you combined DiVincenzo’s moderately high national profile with a slick marketing campaign and a killer recipe for creamy pesto sauce, I could totally see the DiVincenzo line of sauces becoming the fourth or even third most popular line of sauces in America today. You could even sell them in Canada. Going up against the Primo Pasta/Andrea Bargnani juggernaut would be challenging, but doable.

DiVincenzo must strike while the iron is hot. He missed his chance in the immediate aftermath of the NCAA tournament where he had that thirty-burger, but fate has given him a second chance and he can’t afford to screw it up. He’s gotta get on the line with his agent, make some connections in the processed food industry, lease factory space in New Jersey, hire a team of world-class chefs to come up with recipes that can be mass-produced, and write his signature in a really ostentatious way so that they can slap it on the label and allege that the sauces have the “DiVincenzo Signature of Approval”.

If I don’t go to the grocery store next week and see a jar of Vodka Alla Prosciutto pasta sauce with DiVincenzo’s face staring through my soul right at eye level, he needs to fire his agent and hire me instead.

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